• Asian Jeet Kune Do Federation



1. The order of competitions conducting.

1.1 Competitions under "Jeet-Kune-Do" system are conducted according to rules made and accepted by the "Jeet-Kune-Do" International Federation.

1.2 Regulations on republican, regional and international competitions, staff of judges' boards is examined and settled by the Federation Council.

2. Character and methods of competition conducting.

Competition under a character of conducting is divided on:



Character and method of competitions' conducting is determined by the status of these competitions. Private competitions determine places took by participants in each weight category. Command competition determines places of commands.

3. Methods of competition conducting.

Competition may be conducted under the Olympic system and also command system

4. Competition conducting under the Olympic system

4.1 A participant finishes his/her performance after the 1 st defeat during competition conducting under the Olympic system.

4.2 Private and private-command competitions are organized- under the Olympic system in presence of more than 10 commands of participants and more than 10 participants of each weight category. An order's number of each participant is determined by lot. Wrestlers, who come to the semi-final round, participate in a fight for getting of prize places. The 3 rd place and possibility to participate in final round are played out the semi-final round.

5. Competition conducting under command system

Under a command system of competition each participant of this weight category (command) meet with each another participant of the same weight category (command). A victory is adjudged on a quantity of total fights (if there are 5 fights between commands, so that command conquers, which wins 3 fights).