• Asian Jeet Kune Do Federation


1. The admission of participants to competitions.

1.1. Persons declared by trainers and last-medical survey no more than for three days prior to the beginning of competitions are supposed to participation in competitions

1.2. The admission to competitions in corresponding application under the established form is carried out by credentials committee. It is approved by the organization, which carries out a competition, credentials committee consists of, as a rule, main judge, its assistants, secretary, doctor, who check documents and applications of participants.

2. Weighing of participants.

2.1. Weighing of participants is spent no the first day of competitions and begins not less,han for three hours prior to the beginning of competitions. Weighing lasts one hour. During weighing a participant is obliged to show his passport or other document, replacing it. Results of weighing are entered into the record (protocol)

2.2. Weighing is spent by commission appointed by the main judge. Into it enter: it includes deputy of the main judge secretary, two judges and doctors the quantity of judges should not be accordingly increased. At carrying out of weighing on two weights.

2.3. In personal and personally-command competitions a participant should act only in that weight category, established in the at initial weighing the right of control calculations to weights which will be used at official weighing is given to participants before weighing'

2.4. In personally-command and command competitions a participant who was weighed, but did not participate in fights, is considered as not exposed.

2.5. Serial number of each wrestler (command) is defined on a lot after the termination of weighing or on weights. Distribution of the strongest ones is made, if it is stipulated by Position.

3. Structure and representatives of commands.

3.1. The quantitative structure of commands is defined by the Regulations on competitions.

3.2. Each command, participating in competitions, should have its own representative, who is the head of command and intermediary between a judiciary board and participants. If a command has no special representative so his duties are carried out by the trainer or captain appointed from the number of the commands participants.

3.3. A representative bears the responsibility for discipline of participants both command'' - at competitions, and in other public places.

3.4. Representatives participate in a toss-up, present at meetings of the judiciary board, if they are spent together with representatives.

3.3. It is forbidden to a representative, trainer, and captain of command to interfere the work of judges and persons spending competitions.

3.5. A representative, trainer cannot be used as judges at the given competitions.

3.6. During a fight trainers and representatives are- forbidden instructs competing wrestlers. For infringements of the given item of rules a representative (captain), trainer, may receive fighter prevention, and at repeated infringement they can be removed off competitions.

4. Duties and rights of participants.

4.1. A participant is obliged:

4.1.1. To know and strictly observe the present rules, the Regulations on competitions and their program.

4.1.2. To be polite, correct under the attitude to all participants, judges and the persons carrying out and serving competitions, and also to spectators.

4.1.3. To carry out all requirements of judges and representative (captain) of the command.

4.1.4. To be with accurate cut nails, in a tidy sporty suit. Participants are forbidden to conduct a fight in protective devices, improvident rules of competitions which may become a reason of trauma or damage.

4.1.3. If a participant cannot continue competition for any reasons he should inform about this a judiciary board through the representative not later than in 10 minutes prior to the beginning of fight.

4.1.4. To appear immediately on a fight under a call. At a delay after a call till 1 minute this sportsman receives a remark, at a delay from 1 to 3 minutes - a prevention is announced participant does come to platform after a call more than 3 minutes, he will get a defeat, in this fight and by his contender will get a pure victory

4.1.7. To exchange greetings with referee and the contender before the beginning of fight and also after its termination.

4.1.8. Not to leave a platform without the permission of referee.

4.2. A participant has the right:

4.2.1. To address in to the judiciary board through a representative or the command captain

4.2.2. In personal competitions at absence of representative to address directly to the judiciary

4.2.3. For 1 hour prior to the beginning of weighing to make control of his own weight on scales of official weighing.

4.2.4. To make a prearranged signal by raising a hand at reception of trauma and refusal to carry out a fight, and also if it is necessary to put in order his protective means.

5. A suit and protective means of participants.

5.1. A suit and protective means of participants.

5.2. Protective means of participants include:

Youthful: gloves boxing, bandage, overlays for legs.

Adults: shingles, bandage, overlays for legs.